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With three and four bedrooms each, homes at the Southard will welcome larger households.


Each two-story cottage will feature an open-concept design on the living level. High-quality finishes, built for beauty and durability, feature environmentally sensitive materials. Covered porches create a home-town, neighborly feel.   


Homes will be highly energy-efficient and come with solar panels, and Energy Star appliances. A ductless Minisplit Heating/Cooling System will provide at least 25% energy savings beyond Washington State Energy Code, and a high-efficiency heat pump water heater will reduce energy  use.  Homes will be equipped with WaterSense fixtures to conserve water.


Homes include 1.5 bathrooms, ample closets and storage. Parking spaces including electric car charging stations are provided.


Through highly energy efficient construction, and investments in high-quality materials, homes at the Southard will save homeowners on utilities costs and long-term maintenance.


Homes will be part of The Southard Homeowners Association. The Declaration of Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions (CC&Rs) and Bylaws for the Association will be posted before sales begin.


The Southard  is a neighborhood of homes within the Homestead Community Land Trust

Homestead’s main office is at 412 Maynard Ave South, Suite 201, Seattle, WA 98104

Homestead is a 501(c)(3) membership organization. Our tax ID is 91-1565651.


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